8. R Morris, A Porter, W Figueira, R Coleman, E Fobert, and R Ferrari. (In press) Fish-smart seawalls: a decision tool for adaptive management of marine infrastructure. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
7. E Fobert, S Swearer. 2017. The nose knows: linking sensory cue use, settlement decisions, and post-settlement survival in a temperate reef fish. Oecologia 183 (4), 1041–1051. Link to PDF
6. E Fobert. 2016. Early life-history drivers of connectivity in a temperate marine fish metapopulation. PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne.
5. E Fobert, G Zięba, L Vilizzi, MJ Godard, MG Fox, S Stakėnas, GH Copp. 2013. Predicting non‐native fish dispersal under conditions of climate change: case study in England of dispersal and establishment of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus in a floodplain pond. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22 (1), 106-116. Link to PDF
4. E Fobert. 2012. Heated competition: Predicting the effects of climate change on competing non-native pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in the United Kingdom. MSc Thesis, Trent University. Link to PDF
3. E Fobert, MG Fox, M Ridgway, GH Copp. 2011. Heated competition: how climate change will affect non‐native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus and native perch Perca fluviatilis interactions in the UK. Journal of Fish Biology 79 (6), 1592-1607. Link to PDF
2. E Fobert, P Meining, A Colotelo, C O’Connor, SJ Cooke. 2009. Cut the line or remove the hook? An evaluation of sublethal and lethal endpoints for deeply hooked bluegill. Fisheries Research 99 (1), 38-46. Link to PDF
1. E Fobert. 2008. Cut the line or remove the hook? An evaluation of sublethal and lethal endpoints for deeply hooked freshwater recreational fish. Honours Thesis, Carleton University.
12. E Fobert, D Poulos. 2017. Gaining the competitive edge: Is early life-history linked to post-settlement performance in a territorial reef fish? 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Papeete, Tahiti.
11. E Fobert, EA Treml, SE Swearer. 2015. Does larval quality influence dispersal outcomes? Assessing phenotypic variability in the early life history of a temperate reef fish. Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Liverpool, UK.
10. E Fobert, EA Treml, SE Swearer. 2015. Implications of disperser phenotype on vertical migration and dispersal outcomes of a temperate reef fish. The 52nd Australian Marine Science Association Annual Conference, Geelong, Australia.
9. SE Swearer, J Ford, E Fobert, EA Treml. 2015. Realising connectivity- the influence of early life history on the dynamics of marine metapopulations. The 52nd Australian Marine Science Association Annual Conference, Geelong, Australia.
8. E Fobert, S Pahor, SE Swearer. 2014. Choosing the right home: habitat detection and settlement decisions by a temperate reef fish. Australian Society of Fish Biology and Australian Society for Limnology joint Congress, Darwin, Australia.
7. GH Copp, MG Fox, G Masson, E Fobert, S Tarkan. 2014. Predicting invasiveness of a freshwater fishes under conditions of climate warming using a life-history model. Neobiota Conference, Antalya, Turkey.
6. SE Swearer, J Ford, E Fobert, EA Treml. 2014. Realizing connectivity- the influence of early life history on the dynamics of marine metapopulations. 5th International Otolith Symposium, Majorca, Spain.
5. SE Swearer, J Ford, E Fobert, EA Treml. 2014. Realizing connectivity- the influence of early life history on the dynamics of marine metapopulations. 10th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Perth, Western Australia.
4. SE Swearer, J Ford, E Fobert, EA Treml. 2013. Integrating larval behavior, dispersal, habitat selection, and recruitment dynamics in a temperate reef fish metapopulation: identifying drivers of resilience in a changing ocean. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Okinawa, Japan.
3. E Fobert, MG Fox, GH Copp. 2011. Heated competition: How climate change will affect non-native pumpkinseed and native Eurasian perch interactions in the U.K. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, Toronto, Canada.
2. E Fobert, MG Fox, GH Copp. 2010. Do pumpkinseed outcompete perch in a heated environment? Poster Presentation, Fisheries Society of the British Isles Fish and Climate Change Conference, Belfast, UK.
1. E Fobert, A Pedon-Flesch, G Masson, MG Fox, GH Copp. 2010. Influence of an invasive North American sunfish on the decline of native perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a thermal reservoir in France. American Fisheries Society – Ontario Chapter General Meeting, Orillia, Canada.

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